Conflict Management Framework

Our experience and research working with health and care teams led us to develop a formal conflict management framework.

What is it?

Our experience and research working with health and care teams led us to develop a formal conflict management framework.

The framework embeds conflict recognition and de-escalation into your organisational culture, reducing incidents and time spent dealing with conflict and improving staff confidence in successfully de-escalating difficult situations.

The Conflict Management Framework (CMF) and Action Cards are resources available to those delegates who have completed our Level 2 Training. If you wish to access this content and would like to find out more, please contact us.

Explore the framework

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Preparatory phase
Creating a conflict resilient culture requires commitment and support from the top of your organisation. Our tiered approach to embedding the conflict management framework includes:
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Level 1: training of frontline staff
All staff undertake our 1-day training in conflict recognition and management.

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Level 2: training of “conflict champions”
A small number of staff identified from tier 1 undergo a further 1-day training in the implementation of the pathway in their clinical area.
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Level 3: sustainability
A small number of staff attend our “train the trainers” 2-day programme and are then available to train further staff. We customise our implementation strategy to suit your organisation. Contact us to discuss how we can help your organisation become conflict resilient.

What our students say about it

"The framework has helped us to provide a strategic and consistent response to conflict and to identify this at an early stage."
- Matron
Leeds Children’s Hospital

“... a marked reduction in ‘unresolvable’ conflict situations in wards and teams where the majority of senior staff have done the training. Having a champions group is essential in embedding the training."
- Dr Webster
Starship Children’s Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand
"Really enjoyable course. Very well facilitated by experts in this field who make this enjoyable and understandable and relevant. Can you come present to ward nurses?!"
- Nurse educator
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